
Yve Gibney’s career as a nurse began 35 years ago when, after specialising in tropical medicine, she backpacked across Sub-Saharan Africa, arrived in Swaziland (now Eswatini) and stayed for four years having fallen in love with the country, the parasites and a man, not necessarily in that order. Her return to Africa second time round was as a diplomatic Nursing Officer, and history repeated itself: she was captivated by the location, tumbu flies and a man. The man in question was the Bigamist and it is their story that motivated Yve to write the first of two books: to share her story in the hope that it inspires others to peel off the ‘victim’ label and live their life as the person they truly are. Just as she has done.

In between writing and working as a COVID-19 vaccinator she enjoys walking on the nearby beach and hills nearby her Wirral home. She is the proud mother of two sons Josh and Seb who are both musicians, in spite of her not being able to sing or play a note! But she can be caught with music turned up loud dancing around the kitchen as she cooks her favourite Middle Eastern dishes. Her true passion is travelling: 66 countries visited so far, the more remote the better – all suggestions welcomed!!

Email yvegibneyauthor@gmail.com if you would like to send a personal message.